Inventory Solutions

Eliant provides supply chain inventory solutions that free up working capital, increase certainty and resilience, and help clients to deleverage. Our products integrate into clients’ existing supply chains and offer flexible terms to minimize disruptions. These products can be attached at any point throughout the supply chain and manufacturing cycle, from raw materials to finished goods.


Provides liquidity and accelerated capital to suppliers without adversely impacting debt-levels, allowing them to procure raw materials and manufacture products to be delivered to an identified end customer.

Eliant can also provide procurement solutions that lead to operational and cost of goods savings via complete or partial outsourcing of the purchase-to-pay process.

In-Transit and Storage

Delivers supply chain resilience via Just-in-Time or Just-in-Case inventory buffers while improving clients’ working capital and liquidity positions through Eliant-held inventory during transit or storage at identified locations. Inventory can include pre-assembly components as well as partially or fully manufactured goods.


Bespoke delivery of consigned inventory for use in manufacturing to minimize supply chain disruptions and enable more competitive end-product pricing by lowering the cost of capital in the supply chain.

Extended Payables Post-Delivery

Delivers improved working capital by providing extended payment terms on purchases, over and above what is normally offered by suppliers. This can be combined with the inventory ownership structures to provide a comprehensive end-to-end working capital solution.

Systems Integration

Provides flexibility to integrate across a variety of parties: suppliers, third-party logistics providers, and/or client ERP systems. Solutions also fully support standalone programs with fast set-up and periodic reporting.

Client Benefits

  • Increases supply chain resilience and agility – ability to build buffer inventory to mitigate supply chain disruptions
  • Improves working capital efficiency by lowering Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO) as well as increasing Days Payment Outstanding (DPO) as a result of extended payment terms
  • Facilitates seasonal inventory builds without utilizing scarce balance sheet capacity
  • Enables large volume purchases to minimize shipping costs and take advantage of bulk discounts
  • Allows for opportunistic purchasing to take advantage of market price fluctuations
  • Provides an alternative liquidity and working capital source, thereby strengthening the balance sheet
  • Generates efficient cost of capital by leveraging the strongest credit counterparty in the supply chain